Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Heaven apparently costs $2.99 (but has free refills)

I think I brought the New Year in pretty good. I woke up at 8:30 (AM), hang over free. I ate one serving on Life cereal then brushed and flossed my teeth. I cleaned house, made my bed. Played Xbox (briefly). Spent time with by 2 day old nephew, Jones. Ate dinner at IHOP.

Now, let me expand on that last one, if I might (which I can, because this is my blog). IHOP serves great breakfast (all day infact). They allow you to swap 3 pancakes for french toast (for free). But the greatest thing, that I did not realize until sitting at a table set for 10 with my 2 brothers, Sean, my dad and my mother-by-marriage (my real estate prof at UNT, Baen, says its disrespectful to say step-mom), is they serve Peach tea. I love sweet tea (the kind that has about 3 cups of sugar) and I love peach tea -- perhaps I have convinced myself its better for me. If you share my interest, go now and eat some IHOP and drink some IHOP tea, peach; its only $2.99.

Lastly, happy new year. I think that phrase is over used and said with complete routine, like asking how someone is, knowing that you will react the same if they said they just won the lottery or they are dying of a flesh eating virus. I say happy new year with complete sincerity. I hope each lives up this year to the fullest.

- andrew

1 comment:

  1. happy new year to you, too. And I really mean it. I've been telling people this for a few days now and it occurs to me that I'm not sure when to stop. I think I can say it as long as the year 'feels' new, but how long is that? I think it can be said up until people cease to forget that it is in fact 2008 when writing personal checks and then laughing and saying, "oh gosh, I'm still not used to this whole two-thousand and eight thing yet. Where did last year go? Oh, silly me." (That is a direct quote from when Andrew's mouth was writing checks his body couldn't cash.) But until then, Happy New Year!
