Sunday, May 4, 2008

Dylan Rozell

Heather and I drove to Missouri on Saturday and picked up our newest member of the family. Meet Dylan. She is an 8 week old Weimaraner. She was in the car for 7 hours and didn't cry once and she slept through the first night with no mistakes. So far so good.

Though Duchess is completely unimpressed with Dylan, they are quickly becoming friends.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, this is Natalee Warren- I met you (Andrew) at the office one day and I have met Heather several times! I found your blog through Clay and Emily's! You puppy is so sitnkin cute! And I just had to tell you how jealous I am of your new house! I couldnt' believe how fast it went! John and I love that house! Have fun with it!
