Monday, September 15, 2008

Quick Hits

- The 2009 Farmer's Almanac is predicting significant global cooling over the next half century. Any human contribution to global warming is actually welcomed to mediate the effects of the global cooling. Source: USA Today

- Lindsey Lohan (and Sam?) has withheld her/their non-partisan talk long enough. They jointly believe that Palin is a "narrow minded, media obsessed homophobe". Lohan maturely quoted Pamela Anderson in representing her thoughts on Palin: "She can suck it!". Source: MySpace Blog

- McCain and Bush have been blamed for Wall Street's crash today. Obama believes the failed independent business practices of publically held business, specifically the way they (mis)handled the investments of sub-prime spectulations is a reflection or rather, effect of the Bush Adminstration. Source: Breitbart

1 comment:

  1. Allow me to respond. I love election time..

    1)Global Cooling is a very shaky premise to begin with and the Farmers Almanac isn't the most scientific source ever. This same issue came up back in the 70's

    2)Although LINDSEY LOHAN isn't the best representative of the democratic voter the premise that Sarah Palin isn't for Gay rights is fairly clear. When asked about the subject she has clearly said that she is opposed to giving same sex couples benefits as well as expanding hate crime laws saying “No, as I believe all heinous crime is based on hate.”

    3)Your third point is misleading Obama said "For eight years, we've had policies that have shredded consumer protections, that have loosened oversight and regulation, and encouraged outsized bonuses to CEOs while ignoring middle-class Americans, The result is the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression."

    Actually John McCain agreed with the premise that the current administration had a hand in the current situation
    "We will clean up Wall Street, we will reform government," the Arizona Republican declared, adding that a top priority of his administration would be to "replace the outdated patchwork quilt of regulatory oversight and bring transparency and accountability to Wall Street."

    His running mate agreed.
    "Guys and gals, our regulatory system is outdated and needs a complete overhaul. Washington has ignored this. Washington has been asleep at the switch and ineffective, and management on Wall Street has not run these institutions responsibly and has put companies and markets at risk," Palin said during a rally in Golden, Colorado. "They place their own interests first instead of their employees and the shareholders who actually own these companies."

    The difference between McCain and Obama on this issue is that McCain believes the economy is fundamentally strong..I have to disagree.
