Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New Look

Heather and I procrastinated house chores by taking a moment to revamp the look of the blog. A special thanks to Shawn D'lee Fine Art (Heather's mom) for the painting of Heather and I from our wedding. For more information about Shawn D'lee Fine Art, please visit her website at


  1. Rev and I drove by this morning at 7:00 on the way to the track and Rev was excited to see the flamingos in your yard! He had fun with them yesterday in our yard. We thought about sending them to Joe and Dianne but thought you guys needed a nice flock of birds as a housewarming gift!:)

    Like the new design by the way

  2. Listen, I am really getting sick of the "creativity" I mean come on...What's that? Jealous? I have skills too buddy. Need I remind you of the Shotgun exhibition I put on in your presence?
